Friday, June 14, 2024

I Love You!!!

I'm so lazy lately! But I figured I better take a second just now and be non-lazy enough just for a minute to tell you how beautiful and wonderful, and thoughtful and soft and kind and funny you are ... and how joyful you make me in my heart!

So there you go!

All the smooches,
your crazy-about-you fiancée,

Saturday, March 16, 2024

I Am SO Lucky!

Not very many people get to be with somebody as wonderful as you, Elle.

In fact, I can count them and there are only exactly five besides me!


Saturday, February 24, 2024

An Ode to Doing

The certain
Of your person

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Thing Number Three Hundred and Fifty

The Three Hundred and Fiftieth Thing I Love About Us Is: You.

You mean the moon and the stars and the world to me. The exquisite calm of a forest lake where all the beauty of nature stands reflected. The view from the height of the highest monument humanity has ever raised. The passionate heat of volcanoes. The glee of a stunned crowd cheering their team's impossible last-second victory against a challenge no one expected them to master.

The glory of adoration. The exuberance of affection. The sweet buoying power of acceptance

You are every experience, live every emotion, and embody each and every quality I could desire from my existence.

You are my Best Thing in the Universe ... and I love you with all my heart.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Thing Number Three Hundred and Forty-Nine

The three hundred and forty-ninth thing I love about us is when one of us says, "Almost ... there ... oh! Oh, I'm ... so ... close ... "

Thing Number Three Hundred and Forty-Eight

The three hundred and forty-eighth thing I love about us is the pure certainty I feel within your arms that I am safe.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Thing Number Three Hundred and Forty-Seven

The three hundred and forty-seventh thing I love about us is holding you loosely in my arms to look into your eyes.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Thing Number Three Hundred and Forty-Six

The three hundred and forty-sixth thing I love about us is that this year will be our fifth anniversary.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Thing Number Three Hundred and Forty-Five

The three hundred and forty-fifth thing I love about us is sharing entrees in a restaurant because yours has something in it you're not crazy about and mine has something in it I'm not crazy about, but we can each pick those things out and trade them so that everything is just perfect.

Thing Number Three Hundred and Forty-Four

The three hundred and forty-fourth thing I love about us is hearing the shower turn on, knowing you're in there under the steaming spray of water, naked and golden, and then getting to decide whether to go in and join you, or just go wait in the bathroom with a big fluffy towel waiting to wrap you up in it and in my arms.

I Love You!!!

I'm so lazy lately! But I figured I better take a second just now and be non-lazy enough just for a minute to tell you how beautiful and...