Wednesday, April 7, 2021

I'm Just Going To Sneak This In Here

(That's what she said!)


Anyway, I was talking to Sash this morning and do you know what she called you? 

"Elle Magnifico!"

And I said I wish I knew Spanish so I'd know exactly what it meant because it sounds so right even not knowing Spanish, and she said, "Well, it's not really Spanish because that would be a male form of something in Spanish and Elle is definitely not male, even if she is magnifico." So I said, "Well, I'm definitely going to call her that the next time I catch her with the strap-on!"

Oh wait ... dang it, this is going in a way less romantical direction than I meant it to! It was really the "magnifico" part I wanted to let you know about because after we stopped laughing I snuck off and looked it up just to be sure it meant what I thought it meant, which it did. Also, I learned some stuff from the translator page, trying to figure out what the girl form of the word would be, like ...

¡Elle es magnifica!


Eres magnifica, mi amor.

Oh, and just so you know how much work I put in it, once I learned you use that upside down ! in Spanish I had to go to a whole other search to figure out how to make one in a blog post. (Only I couldn't figure out how to put the upside down period in front of the second sentence, but please don't feel cheated, because it's apparently a really big secret because I couldn't find anything about doing that no matter how hard I tried!)

I guess I just need to always say it with an exclamation mark!

¡Eres magnifica!

Friday, April 2, 2021

And Here We Go.

Elle: First, egad, that background picture of me.

Aers: Oh! You! Stop it!

Elle: I'm sorry, but it's soooo blurry. Look at you over there, sharp and clear like the ray of spring sunshine you are, and me right next to you absolutely beyond out of focus.

Aers: This is a terrible start! And I love that picture of you! It's beautiful.

Elle: How can this be a terrible start? I'm being me. You're being you.

Aers: Yes, but I thought -- you, know, we said this was going to be our perfect romantic space, and we could use it to express our perfect romantic feelings for each other. And you start off complaining!

Elle: Are you saying you don't love that about me?

Aers: Well ... I mean, of course I'm not saying that. It's just ... less perfect than I thought we were trying to be.

Elle: Oh, you precious silly girl of mine. You don't think you have to try to be perfect, do you? It's effortless for you.

Aers: Now you're trying to distract me with compliments.

Elle: Seriously, I am not. You are as flawless as a sunset at the sea's edge, where the breeze grants a soul-touseling caress, the waves an unending murmur of heaven's own secrets.

Aers: That's ... are you being sarcastic? You are, aren't you?

Elle: Am I supposed to be? Here?

Aers: No, but you're not supposed to be all complainy either!

Elle: Am I being all complainy? I thought I was just being a little complainy to get things started. And then I said all kinds of nice things trying to get past it, but you're still arguing with me ... in your adorable little way.

Aers: I'm not arguing!

Elle: Wonderful. Then we're good, right? I'm now being entirely sweet, and you're not arguing. So what's the problem?

Aers: I still feel like you're being sarcastic.

Elle: Hmn. But I'm not. Here, kiss me and tell me if you taste the least sting from my tongue.

Aers: oh! uh ... ulmmm ...

Elle: Did that feel sarcastic?

Aers: No. How could a kiss feel sarcastic, though?

Elle: Have you met me? Don't you think I could give a sarcastic kiss if I wanted to?

Aers: Duh. You're like the Empress of Sarcasmincia.

Elle: Not right now, I'm not. I have put aside my crown and throne for you, because you are the only jewel I have need of.

Aers: ...

Elle: What?

Aers: oh my god. I'm being the difficult one.

Elle: No you're not. You're just being yourself. Your wonderful, kind, heartwarming self.

Aers: No, I'm arguing, and I'm accusing you of being sarcastic ... and ... I said "Duh" to you! That's a terrible word to use when I'm supposed to be all romantically perfectly romantic. I'm ruining the whole thing!

Elle: Or ...

Aers: Or what?

Elle: Or, you're letting me ease myself into the swing of this blog. You're selflessly taking on a contrary pose so that I get to play the conscientious, devoted one bringing you back to the part of yourself that will render this whole effort idyllic.

Aers: I ... don't think I was trying to do that.

Elle: There you go with that "trying" bit again. Didn't I shoot that down pretty convincingly the first time you said it?

Aers: Well how am I supposed to remember when I'm all flustered like this?

Elle: You don't have to remember -- you could scroll back up and re-read it. Only you don't have to do that either, because I remember it word-for-word: "You don't think you have to try to be perfect, do you? It's effortless for you."

Aers: I guess that was awfully nice of you to put it that way. I should have been listening better.

Elle: Yes, you should have ... except that no, you didn't need to, because it gives me the chance to say the things I said again now. Like, "You are as flawless as a sunset at the sea's edge, where the breeze grants a soul-touseling caress, the waves an unending murmur of heaven's own secrets."

Aers: That's really pretty. I wish I'd been behaving more like I deserved to have that kind of thing said about me.

Elle: "You are the only jewel I have need of."

Aers: Oh, Elle.

Elle: Come here, and I will show you what things you deserve to have.

Aers: Okay ... do we just ... I mean, shouldn't we finish our post?

Elle: I think we already have. And if we haven't, we're about to ... with an exclamation mark.

Aers: I love you so much, Elle.

Elle: And I love you, Ariel April Worthy. To the ends of the Earth and from the depths of my soul.

Aers: I --

Elle: Even if you like that ghastly photo of me.

Aers: Oh! YOU!

It's Christmas Eve, and all the world is at peace ...

... when I think of you.