Thursday, December 28, 2023

Thing Number Three Hundred and Forty-Three

The three hundred and forty-third thing I love about us is that neither of us is the sort of person who'd play chess, but if one of us was, the other would gladly put up with a chess game once in a while despite being almost guaranteed to lose. Although I'm not sure which one of us that would be ... I can easily envision you bent over a chessboard with your brow furrowed and your nose crinkled in thought, and it might be because you'd actually be good at chess if you tried, or it might be just the natural response you'd have to chess whether good at it or not, and in either case you'd probably win pretty often because even if I were the better chess player, I'd be more interested in seeing that look on your face than in winning.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha, if I tried! I hundred percent guarantee that would not happen!

    Also, I'm pretty sure there's lots of things we could do that would make my face do that look and none of them would be as brain-hurting as chess!


It's Christmas Eve, and all the world is at peace ...

... when I think of you.