Monday, December 23, 2024

I know I don't have to worry about this but ...

... even though I know I don't have to worry, part of me is still trying to worry about how this post will be three posts I've done in a row without you doing any, and maybe that will make you feel like you're slacking which I definitely don't want to do.

Obviously it's a super-silly worry since you did SO MANY entries in a row at the end of our list of 350 things we love about us, and even though I did feel like I was slacking, I didn't feel bad about it because you'd told me it was totally okay I was slacking and even that letting me slack was like a present you got to give me and how giving me presents always makes you feel awesome (which it should because you are!), so ... yeah, anyway, it's a silly thing for me to worry about.

Is it okay if I tell myself that worrying about it is sort of like a present from me to you because it shows how much I super-duper care about your feelings? (I hope so, because I'm definitely telling myself that!)


Elle. OMG, this is such a goofy-doofy post. But I love you so much I just had to post something tonight and now I feel great about it because I know you enjoy when I get all goofy-doofy and it just makes my heart so full and warm to think about you enjoying things.

You're the best most wonderful woman a girl could ever ask if they should get married to each other, and I am so lucky we did and that we're going to!


(I have such a beautiful fiancée!)


We match We watch A sunset A moonrise Stars that turn and turn and turn and turn and when I turn to you and tell you what I think of it You ...