Friday, February 10, 2023

Thing Number Twenty-Six

The twenty-sixth thing I love about us is lying in the sunshine at your side.


  1. Wait, do you mean when there's sunshine at my side and you lie in it, or when we're both lying in the sunshine and you're at my side? (I guess it doesn't matter since they're both good, and also even if I'm not in the sunshine at first and it's just by my side, I'll be in the sunshine as soon as you lie down next to me!)

  2. Obviously, dear, I meant lying beside you with both of us in the sunshine. But I'm really glad my less-than-entirely-clear wording made you say such a lovely thing.


I Am SO Lucky!

Not very many people get to be with somebody as wonderful as you, Elle. In fact, I can count them and there are only exactly five besides me...