Saturday, April 15, 2023

Thing Number Eighty-Nine

The eighty-ninth thing I love about us is talking about nothing. When I can sit with you and realize that whatever we're saying is the most frivolous, pointless, unimportant topic anyone could ever address, the fact that I am still awash in joy reminds me just how perfect you are.

1 comment:

  1. I guess that means when you say yuck and change the subject, whatever I was saying must have been important? Because I remember one time I was telling you about how I sneezed into a tissue and then was all grossed out about what I saw in there, and you said, "Do you mean that tissue in your hand right now? Please don't show me," and that was the whole end of the conversation.


I Am SO Lucky!

Not very many people get to be with somebody as wonderful as you, Elle. In fact, I can count them and there are only exactly five besides me...