Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Thirteen

The one hundred and thirteenth thing I love about us is feeling that I deserve someone who is so giving. I'm on the selfish side, I admit. (Though I'm getting better about that, I think.) But the way you just so endlessly offer the world up to me ... I can't help how being on the receiving end of that makes me feel like such a perfect person must be right in being so generous to me.

Ergo, that I deserve you.

And what follows is that if I deserve you, I can't really be as selfish as I've always made myself out to be. Which makes me want to find ways to be giving too.

So on top of everything else, you give me the gift of wanting to become a better person.

Even if I'll never by as good as you.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you're not as lazy as I am, so if you try real hard I bet you could be!


It's Christmas Eve, and all the world is at peace ...

... when I think of you.