The one-hundred and seventy-sixth thing I love about us is, our love can be the best even if our love for our other yams is also the best.
Us being extra-special in love together doesn't take anything away from me loving Sash, or you loving Claire, or both of us loving Hettie and Akane, or especially either of us loving our boyfriend.
Our love is like having a life of perfect love and then getting some bonus love to go on top of it.
It's not the best of the best because it's on all superior-like to the other bests -- it's the best because it's happy to share being the best.
I don't think this actually makes any sense, but that's part of what's best about it too. And the fact that I know you're going to love me saying it is exactly why you're the best of the best of the best of the best, Elle.
oh my god