Monday, July 31, 2023

I Googled This To See If It Happens To Other People And It Was Really, Really Bad.

The one hundred and ninety-fourth thing I love about us is how sometimes we both go to grab the same coffee cup and we bump our fingers together because we're looking at our phones or something and then we both say, "Oops, sorry! My bad!" And then we remember we were both drinking out of the same cup anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear, I didn't have to Google that to know what you're talking about. Haha, now the next time that happens, we're both going to look at the cup and say, "Oh, you go ahead. Really. It's fine."



We match We watch A sunset A moonrise Stars that turn and turn and turn and turn and when I turn to you and tell you what I think of it You ...