Monday, September 11, 2023

All good options!

The double-hundred and thirty-sixth thing I love about us is that when one of us wants to watch something and the other one doesn't, the other one knows it's totally cool beans to say, "Can we watch something else?" or, "You go ahead and watch without me and you can tell me about it later," ... or even, "Sure!" and then watch together just to be together even though that person didn't really want to watch it.

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, sometimes the things I enjoy watching with you the most are the ones I'm least interested in watching. Then I don't have to worry about missing anything good by stealing as many glances at you as I can.



We match We watch A sunset A moonrise Stars that turn and turn and turn and turn and when I turn to you and tell you what I think of it You ...