Monday, September 18, 2023

Thing Number Two Hundred and Forty-Three

The two hundred and forty-third thing I love about us is that I can be wholly and truly honest with you. I mean, I know that I can do that with any of our amazing yams.

But you make it so easy.

(For example, I would have a very hard time telling Sash that I absolutely have to force myself to use the word "yam" whenever it comes up. I love that word, and I love her, but I feel so ridiculous using it. It's the most absurd word for something so unbelievably perfect, my brain just rebels. But the truth is, no word that I know of in the entire English language can fully express what all of our yams mean to me, so Sash's word really is the best possible alternative, because it's so her, and the fact that one of us invented it is honestly a miracle. But I still just absolutely have to fight my fingers to get them to type it. Or maybe not my fingers, but my always self-consciously masking brain. Don't tell her!)

1 comment:

  1. Aw! I promise, it's our secret! And you definitely can tell me ANYTHING!


It's Christmas Eve, and all the world is at peace ...

... when I think of you.