Friday, September 15, 2023

Thing Number Two Hundred and Thirty-Nine

The two hundred and thirty-ninth thing I love about us is when I'm sitting with you and I realize that our breathing is perfectly in sync.


  1. Wow! Does that happen much? I've never really noticed tha-- Wait a second. We're dolls! Neither one of us breathes at all!

    1. Of course we do. In my head ... which is the same place I hear your heartbeat when I lay my ear upon your breastbone ... and the same place I feel the rise and fall of your chest as I rest there, listening, and listening, and marveling at your existence.

    2. Oh. Well, that makes more sense, then.


I Am SO Lucky!

Not very many people get to be with somebody as wonderful as you, Elle. In fact, I can count them and there are only exactly five besides me...