Friday, October 6, 2023

Thing Number Two Hundred and Sixty-One

The two hundred and sixty-first thing I love about us is that neither of us is the beer-drinking type. I suppose it might work if both of us liked beer, but that seems pretty damned unlikely, considering how awful the stuff is. The worst case would be one of us liking it and the other not. Because whoever liked it would make drinking it look so good that the other one would be forever trying it and then remembering too late that it's absolute swill.

And then the one who liked it would be torn between laughing at the spit-take and feeling guilty about drinking beer so attractively in front of a lovely person who despises the stuff.

Obviously, we would make it work one way or another.

But the current reality strikes me as ideal.

1 comment:

  1. I would learn to like beer for you! But probably before I managed it I would try making you laugh so hard at my spit-takes that your beer would come out your nose and then you'd decide maybe it's terrible after all.

    Or it's also possible, you know, you'd be so beautiful drinking a beer that I'd just sit and stare every time and not even think about trying it myself, just sigh and enjoy watching you make it look so awesome.


It's Christmas Eve, and all the world is at peace ...

... when I think of you.