Thursday, January 4, 2024

Thing Number Three Hundred and Fifty

The Three Hundred and Fiftieth Thing I Love About Us Is: You.

You mean the moon and the stars and the world to me. The exquisite calm of a forest lake where all the beauty of nature stands reflected. The view from the height of the highest monument humanity has ever raised. The passionate heat of volcanoes. The glee of a stunned crowd cheering their team's impossible last-second victory against a challenge no one expected them to master.

The glory of adoration. The exuberance of affection. The sweet buoying power of acceptance

You are every experience, live every emotion, and embody each and every quality I could desire from my existence.

You are my Best Thing in the Universe ... and I love you with all my heart.

1 comment:

It's Christmas Eve, and all the world is at peace ...

... when I think of you.