Saturday, October 30, 2021


There's been so much fun going on around here lately, but I was journaling a second ago and I thought, "If I have time to journal so much, I definitely have time to say something extra-squishy romantic to Elle, don't I?"

Then I thought, "Uh-oh. But what am I going to say?"

And then I thought, "Maybe you better just try and say it and see what comes out."

So! Here goes!

Ms. Elle deBelle Worthy, you deserve to know this super-important piece of information: I love you like crazy!

I mean, it's almost literally crazy how much I love you. I think about your face and your eyes and your lips smiling at me or touching mine with that fabulous way you kiss, and it all makes me just about explode from happiness!

If I didn't know this one important secret, I'd feel like I'm totally blowing it in this post, on account of I'm not even close to saying all this in a way that's as big and earth-shaking as telling you how I feel ought to be. But the secret is, it would be impossible to say it that way. The part of my heart that's all for you is a hundred percent too big for words, so anything I say is never going to be enough ... except that I know you're going to say something back about how doofy I am for thinking that, because I ought to know that whatever I want to say is always going to be something you want to hear. (I mean, whatever I want to say about us. There are probably some dumb non-us things I might want to say that you'd be, like, "Oh, god, here she goes again," about. But I guess even then you'd want to hear them.)

Wow! This is way longer than I expected!

It's still not enough to do the whole job of letting you know how wackadoo in love with you I am, but I'm pretty sure you get the general idea.

Also ... have we both been forgetting we're supposed to be engaged?!?

When are we going to plan???


  1. You're so deliciously doofy, my precious little Ariel plum. My heart smiles when I read these things from you. Perfect.

    You know, I've been somewhat hoping we'd know more about getting your back in shape before we make too many plans about the wedding. Not that I can't get married to you while you're flat on your back in a box, because I'd do that in a heartbeat if it's how you wanted it. But I want it to be everything you want it to be, so I'd like to have that parameter tied down.

    We should sit down with a notepad and talk, though.

    At least until I get so distracted by your eyes and lips that I have to kiss you, and then so distracted by the rest of you that ... well, I'm sure you get the idea.

  2. You didn't even bring a notepad the next time you opened my box!


It's Christmas Eve, and all the world is at peace ...

... when I think of you.