Tuesday, August 8, 2023


The house is quiet ... cool and peaceful in hazy morning light filtered by the gauze of our curtains. No one is up yet but me. If I tread softly, and lean close, I can hear the gentle breaths of each of my lovers in turn -- a glorious gift that so few people in this life are lucky enough to experience.

And if I move very, very, very carefully, I can glide beneath our silken sheets without waking you, ease my body in close beside yours, let my hands alight feather-faint upon your skin, and find my way patiently to the touch that wakes you, gasping, in my arms.


  1. gluhhhhh ... !

    That's pretty much the sound I would make I bet!

    I actually almost made it just reading this! I saw you'd posted it, and I was like, wait, what? Why is she posting a list thing today when it was my day to post? And why is the title not the same "Thing Number So-and-So" that she usually uses?

    And then I read it and I was all, "Oh!"

    I feel kind of dumb for not thinking that we could totally keep writing sweet and sappy ArielleLand posts just like we used to, only in between our list posts instead of all by themselves.

    You're so smart!

    And I love you SO much!!!!!

  2. And now I have an overwhelming ambition to make you make that sound ...


It's Christmas Eve, and all the world is at peace ...

... when I think of you.