Monday, October 9, 2023


The double-hundred-and-sixty-fourth thing I love about us is that any game is fun with you. Even tic-tac-toe is awesome when we play it! Sometimes I like to not pay enough attention, so I end up losing instead of it just being tie after tie after tie. (Hey! I just realized they should call it "tic-tac-tie" instead, because if you're any good and paying attention, that's what happens.)

You do this great eye-roll thing when you see that I've goofed up and it lets you win.

1 comment:

  1. I do the eye-roll thing because I know you aren't actually goofing up. You're just playing a different kind of game. And the rules say when you do that, I have to roll my eyes.

    Which is the best kind of game, because we both win.


It's Christmas Eve, and all the world is at peace ...

... when I think of you.