Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Thing Number Two Hundred and Ninety-Three

The two hundred and ninety-third thing I love about us is thinking that maybe by sharing our feelings here, there's at least some tiny chance that we're bringing other people a fraction of the happiness and pleasure we bring to each other.


  1. (I mean, if people aren't out there just lapping this shit up, they can go jump in a hole for all I care. But it's still nice to think that you and I, just by being together and letting others see what we are, could be doing some good for this world.)

  2. I super totally agree! Also, I think maybe you might be doing some good for this world by encouraging the kind of people who ought to go jump in a hole to actually go jump in a hole. I mean, assuming the hole they jump in isn't like, a cave or something that somebody nice lives in and then they'd have to deal with all these hole-jumping people jumping in there with them.

  3. I'm sure all of them are listening to me and jumping right in that hole ... I can feel the holes filling up and the world getting better already.

    ; )


It's Christmas Eve, and all the world is at peace ...

... when I think of you.