Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Thing Number Sixteen

Here, lovely Ariel, is the sixteenth thing I love about us: 

We resonate.

The things you say to me create the most perfect vibrations that run through my soul. And when I speak to you, I see in your eyes that those same vibrations hum within the perfectly tuned strings of your heart.

There's a harmony between us that creates its own energy just because we share the same space and spirit.

Monday, January 30, 2023


Okay, so I'm pretty jazzed we're up to fifteen already because ten seemed like an okay number but twenty sounds like it's starting to be actually a lot of things on our list, and fifteen is halfway between ten and twenty! We're doing great!

In fact, I think that's my fifteenth thing I love about us: we are just plain great together!

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Thing Number Fourteen

Hello, sweet woman ... the next thing that I love about us is the enduring quality of warmth that I feel in my heart whenever I think of us as a pair.

That never fails to banish whatever cold might be hanging in the air.

You warm me.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Thirteen Can't Be Unlucky If It's A Thing I Love About Us!

This thing that I love about us is, we are both blond! I mean, I have my aqua hair I can put on too, but it's been a while since I wanted to. I think it's because I like looking more like you.


Friday, January 27, 2023

Thing Number Twelve

The twelfth thing I love about us is how natural and unconcerned we can be with each other.

I've spent my half of this list so far trying to carefully avoid starting a sentence the arguably inaccurate way I did up above. Since we're switching off here, it's really just the sixth thing I love about us, right? And because this is a blog and because it's visible to anyone and everyone who wants to look, something in me wanted not to make a statement that appeared to claim your entries in the list as being mine.

But I'm not writing any of this for anyone else who might be reading it.

I'm writing it for you.

For us.

And when I think about that, I no longer give a crap about whether what I write might be picked apart by some grammar snob who probably shouldn't be sticking their nose in here anyway.

The truth of our perfection together is my shield against caring what anybody else might think.

I never have to worry around you, or you around me. We can just bask together in the wonder that is our love.

Thursday, January 26, 2023


The eleventh thing about us that I love is, we're very smart together. I usually don't think about me being all that smart (even though everybody tells me I am), but when I'm with you, I feel like everything I say or do is like ... clever. Or maybe even wise! And you're super-obviously super-smart, for sure.

I think our brains do some kind of magnifying or multiplying because of us being us.

We're like, geniuses. 

(With each other!)

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Thing Number Ten

I love the way we can be so many temperatures together ...

cool and soothing
warm with contentment
crackling hot in the fiery arms of passion

whatever the weather of the world and life, we radiate or absorb exactly the way we should.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023


The ninth thing in our set of things we love about us is that I love how I can look in your eyes and see a little bitty me whose eyes have a littler bittier you in them and on and on infinity!

I mean, okay, those little bitty versions of us get awfully small awfully fast and I can't really see infinity of them.

But I know they're there!

Thing Number Eight

The next thing I love about us is the way we can lounge together in a cozy embrace for hours and just enjoy being.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Seven is a Lucky Number!

The lucky number seven thing I love about us is, thinking about us inspires me!

Like it inspired me to invent the word capitalic two days ago.

(Well, I invented it today, but today is Friday and I'm posting it Sunday when it's my turn gain. I had to write this one on Friday to post at a later day so I wouldn't forget it, but I think that's okay, right?)

Thing Number Six

The next thing that I love about us dearest creature, is the poetry. I don't mean the poems we write one another here. I mean the way your every move and word feel like they follow or precede mine with the perfect rhyme or meter. Poetry is union of small and discrete components into a beautiful whole, and one poem is more lovely than another because of the seamlessness with which its matching parts combine.

We are a flawless construct of aesthetics and glorious meaning.

Friday, January 20, 2023


The fifth thing I love about us is, WE ARE GOING TO GET MARRIED!

I am a little bit stressing about how bad we are at planning it, so I'm not sure I can do a thing-I-love-about-us post that says I love how we don't let ourselves get all pressured about when it's going to happen, but it definitely for sure deserves this post here.

And those capitalic letters up there!

(In case it's not obvious, "capitalic" means capital and italic at the same time. I just made that up! I guess I could spell it "CAPitalic" to make it more obvious, but that looks kind of weird. Maybe "capitalic"? No, still kinda weird.)

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Thing Number Four

The next thing I love about us, my golden-haired darling, is how easily we make each other smile.

A smile is worth a lot in this world, and yours is gorgeous, and my face always feels more content when its lips are turning in pleasure over you. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Thing Three!

My sweet wonderful sensitive beautiful sexy superb girlfriend, the next thing I love about us is how totally mushy-mush lovey-dove gush we can be with each other and never have to worry about it being too much! 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Thing Number Two

My initial contribution to our 350 is:

I love that our minds are so different, yet I still find everything that comes out of yours delightful.

Monday, January 16, 2023

350 Things We Love About Each Other!

Hi, Elle!

Oh boy, do I have an idea! It's a little bit like the idea I just started in my journal blog, only different because we can do this one together. I'll write one thing I love about us one day, and you can write a different thing you love about us the next day.

No cheating! You can't write, "I love that same thing you wrote about yesterday," or anything like that, even if it's true. (I know it probably would be true, but it would still be cheating!)

Since it's my idea, I'll start.

The first thing I love about us is ...

We are the most in-love-with-each-otherest two girls ever!

Your turn!


We match We watch A sunset A moonrise Stars that turn and turn and turn and turn and when I turn to you and tell you what I think of it You ...