Wednesday, May 31, 2023


I just saw that our blog is on 156 posts, and I thought, "Hey, that's really good!" And then I realized 135 of those are our list posts! Which, I mean, is still good ... but it means we only just barely got past 20 posts the whole time we were blogging before the list.

I really thought we had done more! It sure felt like more ... didn't it?

Thing Number One Hundred and Thirty-Five

The one hundred and thirty-fifth thing I love about us is that we could be one of those couples who finish each other's sentences, and they would be the most marvelous sentences if we did ... even though the end of the sentence would not necessarily resemble the beginning of it in any way.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

I Forgot To Put A Title On This One! (But Now I Fixed It.)

The better-not-be-unlucky-fourth thing I love about us is, you're always there even when you're not right there!

Monday, May 29, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Thirty-Three

The one hundred and thirty-third thing I love about us is walking into a room and from the lingering scent of your perfume knowing that you were just there.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Not Just Joking Around About This One!

The better-not-be-unlucky-second thing I love about us is, we're both very funny. I mean, we have very different senses of humor but we still crack each other up all the time.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Thirty-One

The one hundred and thirty-first thing I love about us is going to the make-believe beach. Feeling the make-believe sand between our toes without actually getting it all over us. Hearing the wild wisdom of seagulls on the wing ... without worrying one might poop in our hair. Smelling the salt of the sea air and having the sea breeze whip our hair, without the sense of oceanic minerals crusting our skin and without having to take a strong brush to tame our blond tangles.

And holding your hand for real, which makes all of it equally real.

Friday, May 26, 2023

This Next Bunch of Things Better Not Be Unlucky!

The better-not-be-unluckieth thing I love about us is, we're not very superstitious at all. But I'm still being careful with these next few listies!

Thing Number One Hundred and Twenty-Nine

The one hundred and twenty-ninth thing I love about us is knowing.

Knowing that we are so right together.

Knowing that I will wake up tomorrow and have another extraordinary day of you being in my life.

Knowing the wonders that dwell in the depths of your soul.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

How Long Is 350 Days Going To Take, Anyway!?

The one hundred twenty-eighth thing I love about us is that you're pretty good about helping me with my impatience. And with my laziness.

Honestly, just about everything that's wrong with me, you're good at helping with!

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Twenty-Seven

The one hundred twenty-seventh thing I love about us is the perfection of our repartee. You have a beautiful gift for expressing thoughts that pluck the very best words from me that I can find. There's no effort in it at all. We commune almost as much as we communicate.

Monday, May 22, 2023

I Don't Have A Good Title Today!

The one hundred twenty-sixth thing I love about us is the way we don't let things that don't matter matter. I think a lot of people expect things because they're supposed to expect them and then they get disappointed when the things don't happen the way they expected. But first off, we only expect things from each other because we actually know whether we really can expect those things of each other. And also, if the things we expect are small, and they don't happen, who cares? There are so many big things about us, how could small things matter?

Finally, it's like this -- whenever a big thing I expect about us doesn't happen the way I expect it to happen, it's pretty much always because whatever does happen is a surprise that's even better than I could imagine.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred Twenty-Five

The one hundred twenth-fifth thing I love about us is that neither of us wants anything to be hard for the other. I can write one of these list entries and not have the least worry about whether it's good enough, or long enough, or even if it might be a repeat of one from earlier that I forgot I'd already written about.

I know I don't have to sweat it, or stress about it, or push and push and push myself making it perfect, because you don't want me to have to do any of those.

I do do them sometimes. But it's never because I think you expect it ... it's always because I want to, because you're worth it.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

A Hundred Twenty-Four Out The Door!

The one hundred and twenty-fourth thing I love about us is, seeing the lights turn on in your eyes when something really tickles you or just makes you happy.

They just shine, so pretty!

Friday, May 19, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred Twenty-Three

The one hundred and twenty-third thing I love about us is that we're both very lucky people. Having had enough luck to find each other, I feel there's no need to fear ill fortune ahead.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

What Did the Ballet Dancer Order from Amazon?

The one hundred twenty-second thing I love about us is, you get me! Like, I totally know you're going to know what I meant by that title and you'll think it's funny.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Twenty-One

The one hundred twenty-first thing I love about us is letting my fingers slide between yours to hold hands. 

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

No More Eleventies ... : (

The one hundred twentieth thing I love about us is if something silly like being done with the eleventies makes me frown, you will always do something to make me smile again!

Monday, May 15, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Nineteen

The one hundred and nineteenth thing I love about us is the utter impotence of clouds and night to dim the bright sun that is you.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

The Numbers Just Keep Getting Bigger!

The eleventy-eighth thing I love about us is getting enough sleep. Some people around here aren't so great at that, but we totally manage it all the time, even though I'm a sleepyhead and kinda need more than 8 hours most nights.

It's especially easy when I'm sleeping cuddled up with you!

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Seventeen

The one hundred seventeenth thing I love about us is that we get to make our own rules for anything that's about you and me.

Friday, May 12, 2023

We're Running Out of Eleventies!

Dang it, I just realized there's only this one and my next one before the eleventies are all done.

Oh well!

The eleventy-sixth thing I love about us is, sometimes I feel like the whole universe exists just so we can be with each other.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Fifteen

The one hundred and fifteenth thing I love about us is knowing that you will make me laugh every single day.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

I Don't Know Why 114 Looks Like a Number That Ought to Mean Something to Me, Because I Can't Figure Out What That Might Be.

The eleventy-fourth thing I love about us is when we both start to say something at the same time and then we both say, "You go first!" And then we both say, "Okay --" and then we both say, "Seriously, you go first," and then you just wait until I say, "I don't remember what I was going to say now."

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Thirteen

The one hundred and thirteenth thing I love about us is feeling that I deserve someone who is so giving. I'm on the selfish side, I admit. (Though I'm getting better about that, I think.) But the way you just so endlessly offer the world up to me ... I can't help how being on the receiving end of that makes me feel like such a perfect person must be right in being so generous to me.

Ergo, that I deserve you.

And what follows is that if I deserve you, I can't really be as selfish as I've always made myself out to be. Which makes me want to find ways to be giving too.

So on top of everything else, you give me the gift of wanting to become a better person.

Even if I'll never by as good as you.

Monday, May 8, 2023

It's Our Anniversary!

The eleventy-second thing I love about us is when we have an anniversary.

I always know there's going to be some super-great gazing-into-each-other's-eyes, for sure.

Plus sex, obviously. I mean, not to sound like it's the only way two people can celebrate their anniversary for real.

But I do like it sooooo much ...

; )

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Eleven

The ... eleventy-first thing I love about us is just about every word that comes out of your precious little mouth or head. 

Saturday, May 6, 2023

We're Finally to the Eleventies!

The eleventieth thing I love about us is, we both know how to relax! Not everybody does, you know. But we are both the illest at being the chillest!

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Nine

The one hundred and ninth thing I love about us is the sounds of birds calling whenever you're around.

I'm pretty sure we have a lot of birds in this neighborhood and there's almost always one calling or singing somewhere, either near or far.

But I definitely notice them more when I'm sitting quietly looking at you.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

A Hundred and Eight and You Don't Have to Wait!

The one hundred and eighth thing I love about us is how you make me prettier. I don't just mean that I feel prettier because of the way you look at me, or that you help me do my hair sometimes or give me makeup tips. I mean, when I read the things you write on your blog, especially when they're about me, it brings out this pretty feeling inside. And then sometimes I write pretty things back.

And they wouldn't be nearly as pretty if I was writing them about something else or someone else, and even when I am writing about something else, if I'm also thinking about you at the same time, whatever I write is just a lot more beautiful.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Seven

The one hundred and seventh thing I love about us is knowing that if at any time the world becomes too much, you can banish that feeling with a simple touch of one small, soft hand.

Monday, May 1, 2023

One Hundred and Six!

The one hundred and sixth thing I love about us is snuggling with the lights down low, or in the morning when the sun is barely coming up and making the room just a little brighter!

It's Christmas Eve, and all the world is at peace ...

... when I think of you.