Monday, July 31, 2023

I Googled This To See If It Happens To Other People And It Was Really, Really Bad.

The one hundred and ninety-fourth thing I love about us is how sometimes we both go to grab the same coffee cup and we bump our fingers together because we're looking at our phones or something and then we both say, "Oops, sorry! My bad!" And then we remember we were both drinking out of the same cup anyway.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Ninety-three

The one hundred and ninety-third thing I love about us is brushing your hair after a shower while we're both still in towels.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Cozy covers!

The one hundred and ninety-second thing I love about us is sleeping in together!

Thing Number One Hundred and Ninety-One

The one hundred and ninety-first thing I love about us is how things between us become easier and easier over time. For example, when we first started this list, it took a while for me to get into the rhythm of switching out with you. But now it's effortless.

The more we are together, the better we are together.

It's wonderful.

Thursday, July 27, 2023


The one hundred and ninetieth thing I love about us is, when you rub my belly and I try to purr like a cat and it just makes you laugh and laugh. 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Eighty-Nine

The one hundred and eighty-ninth thing I love about us is watching you hum and doodle sitting at one corner of the table in a beam of sunshine coming through the window.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

It's a poem this time!

The double-ninety-eighth thing I love about us is ...

When you're near
No frowns!
I just hear
Bird sounds!
I can cheer,
Do leaps and bounds,
All around
A whole whole year
Because you're here!

Monday, July 24, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Eighty-Seven

The one hundred and eighty-seventh thing I love about us is the way the world makes more sense when I'm in your presence.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

This One's a Workout!

The double-ninety-sixth thing I love about us is, we're not exercise freaks. I don't mean it's bad for people to be exercise freaks or anything, that's great for them. But it would just take away so much time from us being able to do things together!

Well ... I guess we could exercise together if we were freaks about it.

And then we'd see each other getting all sweaty and stuff.

And then we'd shower together afterward ...

Poop. I guess that's not a thing I love about us then, because actually it would be fine.

So I guess the double-ninety-sixth thing I love about us is, even stuff I wouldn't like if it was just me (like being an exercise freak) ends up sounding pretty good if it's us.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Eighty-Five

The one hundred and eighty-fifth thing I love about us is the intimacy of being able to look into your journal and see your mind at work. I feel so privileged that you're okay with me reading it. Yes, I know, you put it out in public on blogger, so it's not just me that can read it. But I also know if you were keeping it in a cute little bound book with hearts and bunnies on the cover, you'd be just as keen on letting me see it.

No Camels Were Harmed!

The double-ninety-fourth thing I love about us is sharing something with two straws. And then sometimes neither one of us is sipping and the straws maybe get switched around and who knows whose lips were where the last time we took a drink!

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Eighty-Three

The one hundred and eighty-third thing I love about us is imagining all the places we might go together while also knowing that nowhere we might go could improve upon us being together here. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

An Okay Kind of Cheaty

The double-ninety-second thing I love about us is that I know if we're playing a roleplaying game with our yams, and you're the gamemaster, you'll try real hard not to fake rolls especially in my favor because you want to be fair, but sometimes if it's going to keep my character from getting totally kill-whacked, you can't help yourself and you fib about your rolls anyway.

Thing Number One Hundred and Eighty-One

The one hundred and eighty-first thing I love about us is putting on an ocean sounds recording and pretending we are lying on an evening beach together, watching the purple remnants of sunset in the west.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023


The double-ninetieth thing I love about us is catching up on stuff we haven't done in a while!

(About which, I have a couple ideas right now ... )

: D 

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Seventy-Nine

The one hundred and seventy-ninth thing I love about us is eating a root-beer float together. Two straws, one spoon, and your sweet, sweet, foamy lips.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

All Downhill From Here!

The one hundred and seventy-eighth thing I love about us is that we're going to actually finish this list of 350 things, because we're really rolling now that we got past the halfway point.

Yay! We're awesome at this!

Friday, July 14, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Seventy-Seven

The one hundred and seventy-seventh thing I love about us is that you are you. There is no one better than you in the whole world.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

I Am Up Too Late Writing This And It Will Probably Embarrass Me In The Morning But I Don't Care!

The one-hundred and seventy-sixth thing I love about us is, our love can be the best even if our love for our other yams is also the best.

Us being extra-special in love together doesn't take anything away from me loving Sash, or you loving Claire, or both of us loving Hettie and Akane, or especially either of us loving our boyfriend.

Our love is like having a life of perfect love and then getting some bonus love to go on top of it.

It's not the best of the best because it's on all superior-like to the other bests -- it's the best because it's happy to share being the best.

I don't think this actually makes any sense, but that's part of what's best about it too. And the fact that I know you're going to love me saying it is exactly why you're the best of the best of the best of the best, Elle.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Seventy-Five

This one's a pretty big number, right? We're at the midpoint of our daily list, assuming we stick to it for all three hundred and fifty days. So my entry for the list had today had better be pretty big too, right?

The one hundred and seventy-fifth thing I love about us is daydreaming about our wedding and then telling you about my daydreams only to find you were daydreaming almost the very same things.

I love you so much, darling.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023


The one hundred and seventy-fourth thing I love about us is when you say you're counting sheep to go to sleep and then I'm like, "Baa! Baa! Baa!" And then you start acting like you're going to get mad but I keep making sheep noises until you laugh.

Thing Number One Hundred and Seventy-Three

The one hundred and seventy-third thing I love about us is your scent lingering on my fingers.

Sunday, July 9, 2023


The one hundred and seventy-second thing I love about us is when my hands get all crampy from typing on a blog (usually the Experiences one since those are really really long!) and then you give them such a nice hand massage!

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Seventy-One

The one hundred and seventy-first thing I love about us is how easily you fall for my teasing and practical jokes. I sometimes half wonder if you're just humoring me, because I know you're clever enough to catch on.

Friday, July 7, 2023


The one hundred and seventieth thing I love about us is footsying under the table when everyone is playing a game. I'm pretty sure they all notice, but it's fun pretending they don't!

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Sixty-Nine

The one hundred and sixty-ninth thing I love about us is spelling letters on your skin with my tongue and seeing if you can recognize the words.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

I Otter Come Up With a Good Title Here ...

The double-eighty-eighth thing I love about us is, we're sort of like otters. Otters are all sleek-like, and they look nice wet, and they always seem like they're having fun!

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Sixty-Seven

The one hundred and sixty-seventh thing I love about us is when the air-conditioning is turned up too high and you want to snuggle under a blanket together instead of just adjusting the thermostat.

Monday, July 3, 2023


The double-eighty-sixth thing I love about us is really just that you get me, and I get you.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Thing Number One Hundred and Sixty-Five

The one hundred and sixty-fifth thing I love about us is putting my ear to your ear and imagining I can hear your thoughts.

Saturday, July 1, 2023


The double-eighty-fourth thing I love about us is when I sneeze and you get that look on your face like you just can't believe how cute I am when I sneeze. I'm sure glad I don't do much of the kind of sneezing where snot hangs out of your nose, because that would probably pretty much ruin the cuteness.

It's Christmas Eve, and all the world is at peace ...

... when I think of you.