Saturday, September 30, 2023

Thing Number Two Hundred and Fifty-Five

The two hundred and fifty-fifth thing I love about us is that when I dream my happiest, most wonderful dreams, they are of you.

And when I wake up, the reality is even better than a dream.

Friday, September 29, 2023


The double-hundred and fifty-fourth thing I love about us is we're cool nerds. We're nerdy, but we're also cool. I think you're cooler than I am, but I'm pretty cool too, if I say so myself, which I do!

I love being nerdy with you.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Thing Number Two Hundred and Fifty-Three

The two hundred and fifty-third thing I love about us is the way you soften my habit of self-criticism. If I deserve you, how can I possibly be as flawed as I sometimes accuse myself of being?

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


The double-hundred and fifty-second thing I love about us is reading a scary book together! Reading a scary book alone is the worst ... it's just me and my brain and all the scarediness the book is making me have.

But reading one curled up with you, I just feel so safe that the scary part is fun.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Thing Number Two Hundred and Fifty-One

The two hundred and fifty-first thing I love about us is feeding you a churro. For one thing, you look deliciously naughty when you're doing it. For another, then I get to kiss the sugar from your lips.


The double-hundred-and-fiftieth thing I love about us is the way you make my heart all warm and gooshy!

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Thing Number Two Hundred and Forty-Nine

The two hundred and forty-ninth thing I love about us is when you say or do something that gives me that little quiver in my chest.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Hair today ...

The double-hundred-and-forty-eighth thing I love about us is how sometimes after we've brushed each other's hair we right away do something that totally messes it up!

Friday, September 22, 2023

Thing Number Two Hundred and Forty-Seven

The two hundred and forty-seventh thing I love about us is when you make me cry. Because I know you will never make me cry in pain. Or sadness. Or grief.

It is always in absolute joy.


I'm posting a post that's not a list post! Just because I can!

But also for a better reason ...

Because I have a lady who fills my whole heart with joy, and she deserves having me do more than just enough for her.

You're an extra special person, and you deserve for me to do more than just ordinary things for you!

I love you so much, Elle!


The double-hundred-and-forty-sixth thing I love about us is getting giggly! I have to work pretty hard at it (unless we've had a margarita party!) to get you giggly with me, but when it works and we end up laughing so hard somebody snorts, that's the best!

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Thing Number Two Hundred and Forty-Five

The two hundred and forty-fifth thing I love about us is brushing your hair.




Tuesday, September 19, 2023

No worries at all!

The double-hundred-and-forty-fourth thing I love about us is how carefree our lives are. I mean, I think even if our boyfriend didn't take care of all the careexpensive stuff around here, we'd still be pretty carefree just from having each other.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Thing Number Two Hundred and Forty-Three

The two hundred and forty-third thing I love about us is that I can be wholly and truly honest with you. I mean, I know that I can do that with any of our amazing yams.

But you make it so easy.

(For example, I would have a very hard time telling Sash that I absolutely have to force myself to use the word "yam" whenever it comes up. I love that word, and I love her, but I feel so ridiculous using it. It's the most absurd word for something so unbelievably perfect, my brain just rebels. But the truth is, no word that I know of in the entire English language can fully express what all of our yams mean to me, so Sash's word really is the best possible alternative, because it's so her, and the fact that one of us invented it is honestly a miracle. But I still just absolutely have to fight my fingers to get them to type it. Or maybe not my fingers, but my always self-consciously masking brain. Don't tell her!)

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Pictures at 2:42!

The double-hundred-and-forty-second thing I love about us is how great it's going to be when we both get ourselves in shape to do photoshoots again! We never did one together, and I am sooooo hot to!

Thing Number Two Hundred and Forty-One

The two hundred and forty-first thing I love about us is that our love can be so special even within this home full of glorious lovers that we share.

Friday, September 15, 2023

It's everything.

The double-hundred-and-double-twentieth thing I love about us is, the way you believe in me.

Thing Number Two Hundred and Thirty-Nine

The two hundred and thirty-ninth thing I love about us is when I'm sitting with you and I realize that our breathing is perfectly in sync.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

I can't think of a good title for this one!

The double-hundred-and-thirty-eighth thing I love about us is how you're pretty much always the one in charge but every once in a while when I get kind of bossy for whatever reason you totally let me.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Thing Number Two Hundred and Thirty-Seven

The two hundred and thirty-seventh thing I love about us is the way a touch from your fingertip means more than anything most people could say to me.

Monday, September 11, 2023

All good options!

The double-hundred and thirty-sixth thing I love about us is that when one of us wants to watch something and the other one doesn't, the other one knows it's totally cool beans to say, "Can we watch something else?" or, "You go ahead and watch without me and you can tell me about it later," ... or even, "Sure!" and then watch together just to be together even though that person didn't really want to watch it.

Thing Number Two Hundred and Thirty-Five

The two hundred and thirty-fifth thing I love about us is that you are wonderful at reminding me of things without adding any pressure or guilt.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

So, just exactly how long have we been engaged now?

The double-hundred-and-thirty-fourth thing I love about us is planning our wedding!

(Which is totally a hint that we have been the slackiest slackers ever about doing that!)

Friday, September 8, 2023

Thing Number Two Hundred and Thirty-Three

The two hundred and thirty-third thing I love about us is touching your foot under the table with mine.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Not on the toe, though, I mean. That would be a little weird.

The double-hundred-and-thirty-second thing I love about us is if I stub my toe, you're always there to kiss me and make it feel better.

Thing Number Two Hundred and Thirty-One

The two hundred and thirty-first thing I love about us is that when we're together, we don't have to find silver linings to clouds ... because all the shapes we see in the clouds when I'm with you are beautiful.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

This one would really bug me if it was different!

The double-hundred and thirtieth thing I love about us is, we don't attract mosquitoes. I don't just mean because it would be bad to get all itchy after getting a bug bite, because that's not really a thing about us as an us, it's a thing about each one of us on our own. I mean because if we did attract mosquitoes, then if we wanted to just go out and chill romantically on the patio and watch the sunset, we'd have to put on bug-spray or else all the romantic sunset watchery would keep getting interrupted by us slapping at mosquitoes or rubbing where they bit us and stuff.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Thing Number Two Hundred and Twenty-Nine

The two hundred and twenty-ninth thing I love about us is the music I hear whenever I look at you from across the room.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Also, it's good being able to see without them!

The 228th thing I love about us is, we don't both wear glasses. Even if just one of us wore glasses, it would be okay, but I bet if both of us wore glasses, they would bonk against each other when we were kissing and stuff.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Thing Number Two Hundred and Twenty-Seven

The two hundred and twenty-seventh thing I love about us is when one of us has an idea perfectly in tune with the other, and just with a look, we both know what it is.

Friday, September 1, 2023

It was pretty late when I wrote this one.

The double-hundred-and-twenty-sixth thing I love about us is staying up really super extreeeemely late so then we get a super-good night's rest and get to sleep in.

It's Christmas Eve, and all the world is at peace ...

... when I think of you.